EVOLVE Family Services is committed to serving as an antiracist and anti-oppressive organization.
EVOLVE acknowledges that we work within a society and systems of care that are rooted in white supremacy and racism, which frequently result in disparate outcomes for children and families of color. We are committed to dismantling oppression, racism, and other forms of discrimination in all areas of our work to ensure that the children, families and communities we serve receive excellent care and services that enhance and advance their quality of life.
In alignment with the standards of the Child Welfare League of America, EVOLVE cultivates the ability of our staff and our systems of care to respond respectfully and effectively to people of all cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and faiths in a manner that recognizes, affirms, and values the work of the individuals, families, tribes and communities that protects the dignity of each.

EVOLVE is dedicated to uniting children and families through our Domestic and International Programs.

Foster Care
EVOLVE is passionate about remaining child-focused in our Traditional and Concurrent Foster Care Programs.

Pregnancy Services
EVOLVE provides comprehensive, non-biased, and non-judgemental pregnancy services to
help you make the best decision for you.

EVOLVE offers a camp that unites families by providing culturally inclusive programming that celebrates African American heritage and identity

Youth Services
EVOLVE provides a variety of services to youth involved in the child welfare system. These services include child-specific recruitment, social medical histories, and successful transitions to adulthood for youth.