Adoption FAQ’s

Common Questions

Here’s a list to the answers to the most common questions people ask about adoption. Contact us if you need further information.

EVOLVE has various adoption programs.

We facilitate Adoption Through Foster Care in our Minnesota Adoption Permanency Program (MAPP). This is public adoption of children currently under state guardianship. We also facilitate Domestic Infant and International Adoption through our private adoption programs.

Our private adoption programs are available to Minnesota and Western Wisconsin residents. Our Foster to Adopt program is only available to Minnesota residents, however, as costs for this program are covered through EVOLVE’s contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services.


If you would like to apply as a prospective adoptive parent, the first step is to attend an Information Session.

Our Information Sessions are free, available virtually, and provide information about our various adoption programs. All applicants must attend prior to applying for any of our programs. Reference materials, program fees, and a Zoom link will be provided to you via email after you register.



EVOLVE recognizes that single parents can successfully provide permanency for a child. It is important to ensure folks have the capacity and resources to parent, yes, but an assessment of capacity and resources applies to all prospective adoptive parents – single or not.

The United States does not prohibit single persons from adopting. It is important to note, however, that some placing agencies and countries do not work with single prospective adoptive parents.


EVOLVE aims to be fully affirming and supportive of all LGBTQ+ staff, youth, partners, and clients we work with. Our staff is required to have education around providing LGBTQ+ inclusive services in all the work we do. EVOLVE’s trainings also provide education for prospective adoptive parents around being supportive and affirming of LGBTQ+ adoptees.

The United States does not prohibit LGBTQ+ persons from adopting. It is important to note, however, that some placing agencies and countries do not work with LGBTQ+ prospective adoptive parents.

Costs vary greatly depending on the type of adoption.

MAPP, our Foster to Adopt program, for example, is a form of public adoption that exists at no cost to families due to EVOLVE’s contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Private Adoption, in contrast, can cost between $20,000-$65,000 for Domestic Infant Adoption, or between $30,000-$70,000 for International Adoption, over the course of the adoption process. There are a lot of fees involved in an adoption, for example: home study assessment fees, education fees, home study update fees, program fees, biological parent services fees, placing fees, medical fees, attorney fees, travel fees, and post placement fees.

In the case of International Adoption, USCIS fees, in-country attorney fees, immigration fees, and in-country court fees can apply as well. There are some grants and financial assistance opportunities for persons adopting through private adoption, but financial assistance is typically more limited in private adoption than with public adoption. It is important to assess your resources and capacities before starting the adoption process.