Who can be a foster care provider?

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Anyone can become a foster provider. It is important that providers meet the basic requirements: Reside in the state of Minnesota Be 21 years or older Complete the licensing paperwork, including, but not limited to the DHS Application, EVOLVE Application, Individual Fact Sheet, Background Study Authorization, Discipline/Grievance/Alcohol, and Drug Policies, Home Safety Walk-through, etc.  All…

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What are the needs of children in foster care?

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All children and youth, involved with the child welfare system have experienced varying levels of trauma that include experiences of physical, emotional, sexual abuse and/or neglect. Many have been diagnosed with a psychological, behavioral and/or emotional disorder. Many have mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical health needs. Many children have also experienced prenatal exposure to alcohol…

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What are the basic requirements to become a foster care provider?

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Reside in the state of Minnesota Be 21 years or older Complete the licensing paperwork, including, but not limited to the DHS Application, EVOLVE Application, Individual Fact Sheet, Background Study Authorization, Discipline/Grievance/Alcohol, and Drug Policies, Home Safety Walk-through, etc.  All household members over age 13 need to complete a criminal background check; however, having a…

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What are the options in foster care?

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Traditional Foster CareFamilies provide care and ensure the health and well-being of children in care while birth-families complete case plan requirements, in order to achieve reunification with their children (which may include treatment, securing housing, parenting/mental health/chemical health assessments). Foster providers are responsible for ensuring that​ children remain connected to their community, peers, and birth…

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What does it mean to be a foster parent?

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Foster parents play a vital role in the lives of children in care. While birth-parents work to complete various requirements to achieve reunification with their children, foster parents keep children connected to their families and communities, ensure the health and wellness of children in their care, support identity development, advocate for the children in care,…

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