I have shared custody of my child, how does this work for therapy?

In Minnesota, as a mental health provider, we are required to receive consent by one of a minor’s parents, and when we learn that there is shared custody, we request to receive a child custody court agreement for the client’s file. A letter will be sent to an additional parent with custody to notify them that treatment has begun, and ask them to participate in services. There are unique situations that can arise regarding shared custody and mental health services. Please speak with your therapist for more information related to these specific instances. 

It is the responsibility of parents/caregivers involved in services to work out a payment plan for the identified client. Please communicate to EVOLVE staff at therapy@evolveservices.org what your plan is for making payments for services via the website or patient portal. We do require that one credit card be on file for services. 

If you are a family that has been court ordered to utilize mediation to seek agreements on parenting/medical decisions, please notify your mediator regarding initiating services with EVOLVE Family Services.