Minnesota Adoption Permanency Program
EVOLVE is contracted with the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) to support and facilitate the adoption through foster care process for families interested in adopting children, under state guardianship. The goal of this program is to achieve permanency for youth. Families must be open to siblings groups, school-aged children and teens. There are very few costs associated with EVOLVE’s Foster Adoption in Minnesota Program, as the costs are covered through our contract with the DCYF.
The first step is to attend an EVOLVE Informational Session. To register, use the button below:

Children Who Are Waiting
The children and youth who are waiting for adoption are under state guardianship. Children under state guardianship have experienced various forms and varying degrees of trauma; including neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and/or sexual abuse.
According to the Department of Children, Youth and Families the following is true regarding the children who are awaiting adoption:
• 54% of the youth waiting for permanency are between the age of 12-18 years old.
• 23% of the youth waiting for permanency are between the age of 6-11 years old.
• 45% of the youth waiting for permanecny are part of a sibling group.
• 68% documented special need including physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral health disability.
Additionally, children of color and LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately represented within the child welfare system and among the children under state guardianship, awaiting adoption. In that way, families interested in Foster Adoption in Minnesota must be open to adopting school-aged children and/or sibling groups.
The Process

If you have any questions or would like additional information prior to attending an informational meeting, please contact us at evolve@evolveservices.org or 651.439.2446.