If you decide adoption is the best decision for you and your child, EVOLVE will be there every step of the way.

About the Process

At EVOLVE, we are passionate about the benefits of an open adoption. All EVOLVE families agree to the option of an open adoption. We prepare families who are ready, able, and excited to grow their family through their adoption.

EVOLVE's Open Adoption option

All EVOLVE Families agree to the option of an open adoption. Open adoption means the adoptive and birth families share identifying information and have open communications before, during, and after the baby is born. In most cases, contact (including phone calls, texts, emails, and visits) may continue as agreed upon by the adoptive and birth families. There can be different levels of openness depending on your preferences.

There are many benefits to an Open Adoption. Open Adoption provides birth parents a sense of peace, knowing their child is safe and loved. Children benefit from openness because many of their questions regarding their adoption and family history can be answered. Sharing information also helps the adoptive family tell the child their adoption accurately, as well as knowing medical and genetic information about the child. All parties benefit from developing these connections and relationships.

Contact us for more information.