EVOLVE Family Services Staff

EVOLVE Family Services employs a diverse staff, in identity, educational and professional experiences. EVOLVE has an extensive hiring process, with a focus on child-focused, trauma-informed, and anti-oppressive practice and understanding. EVOLVE values transparency and understands the importance of hiring and creating a sustainable work environment for professionals of color. Overall, EVOLVE’s staff have a wealth of experiences and skillsets. EVOLVE’s staff will carry out the service areas with trauma-informed, child-focused, collaborative and anti-oppressive lens and practice.

Our Current Team

EVOLVE currently employs 17 staff in a variety of direct service, management, leadership, and administrative roles across the organization.


For full transparency of racial identities within our workplace at EVOLVE, racial identities within our workplace are listed below.

Black             2
Latinx           2
AAPI             2
White          11
