Adoptions Commence in Vietnam

Thailand, Mae Hong Son, girl pointing on globe.

Director Nguyen Van Binh of the Central Adoption Authority in Vietnam presents license to Hang Dam, Holt Vietnam’s country director who works out of their office in Hanoi, Vietnam.

International adoption can be a very fluid, political climate. We are excited to announce that on September 12, Holt International, one of our partnering agencies in international adoption, was one of two agencies selected by the Ministry of Justice’s Department of Adoptions in Vietnam to place waiting children from Vietnam with adoptive families in the United States.

With this announcement, Holt will be able to find families for children with medical special needs, children age 5 and older, or children that are part of a sibling group through Vietnam’s Special Adoption program. These changes officially went into effect on Tuesday, September 16.

According to Holt International’s president and CEO, Phillip Littleton:

“Both Holt and Dillon consider it a privilege to continue in our long-standing commitments to meet the needs of children in Vietnam. We are grateful for all of the efforts of the Ministry of Justice to develop strategies to ensure ethical adoption practices in Vietnam and for the U.S. Department of State’s support for these efforts.”

Follow these links for more information on Holt’s Vietnam program, the Holt blog article about the addition, the official announcement from the Department of State, or how to start your international journey through EVOLVE Adoption & Family Services.

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