Women’s Equality Day

Graphic of group of women hugging.

Women’s Equality Day marks the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. This day urges us to remember the generations of women before us that fought for equal rights. Today, we celebrate by uplifting and empowering women, and continuing to call attention to efforts to achieve full equality.

Inequalities such as wage gaps, gender stereotypes, and misogyny still exist, but there are also lots of things worth celebrating. For example, the amount of women earning college degrees, or the women that make up 24 percent of Congress. In 2020, Kamala Harris even made history by becoming the first woman, and woman of color, vice president in the United States.

This Women’s Equality Day, there are ways you can take action to help future generations of women and girls.

  1. Talk about gender equality in your workplace. Brainstorm ways to start the conversation on gender equality in the office or work environment. Equality Now’s Equal Rights Amendment Explainer can help you begin.
  2. Add to your bookshelf. Education and awareness are important tools in celebrating and furthering equal rights. Here are a few examples of good reads:
    Women, Race & Class by Angela Davis
    Crusade for Justice: The Autobiography of Ida B. Wells by Ida B. Wells
    The Space Between Us by Thirty Umrigar
    Game, Set, Match: Billie Jean King and the Revolution in Women’s Sports by Susan Ware
  3. Write a letter to an influential woman in your life. Let them know how thankful you are for their impact.

Overall, let us continue to show the world the strength, courage, and greatness that women possess.

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