Our Story

We’ve been together for 20+ years and married when it became legal in MN. I think we felt we had to be married to adopt (though later realized that wasn’t true). We knew we wanted to raise kids but wanted to be financially secure before starting the adoption process. Now that we have a 5-year-old adopted daughter, we are ready to start with a new baby!

Background Information

State Of Residence




Both are Caucasian


They both have excellent health, exercise regularly, and practice a healthy diet.


Both have a Masters Degree. David’s is in Education, and Dennis’s is in Management.


David is a Pre-K through 5th Grade Art Teacher, and Dennis is a Test Operations Group Leader


David and Dennis don’t practice any formal religions but are both spiritual.



Children In Family


Plans For Number Of Children


Race Of Child

They would like to raise two (total) children of any ethnicity – and if it happens as twins that’s OK too!

Plans For Work/Daycare

Dennis has 12 weeks paid paternity leave and David has six weeks. After David’s six weeks are used up, he’ll go back to work while Dennis uses his remaining time off to stay at home. Afterwards, they plan on having their child in part-time daycare.

About Dennis And David (Written By Their Partner)

From David: Dennis is practical, efficient, compassionate, and very responsible. We were having lunch with friends just yesterday and our friend, Tyler asked Dennis if he ever gets annoyed or mad at my joking around. I froze. I love to joke around and wondered what his reaction would be. Dennis replied, “never” and didn’t bat an eye. Dennis would have let me know if I was out of line or I needed to tone it down. I know that he will be the type of dad that will help a child understand why things are the way they are, keep things calm, and make a plan to better things for any family member.

From Dennis: David is a very caring husband. He’s also my best friend who helps me through the difficult times. He prioritizes other’s needs over his own. I’ve seen him be very patient when instructing his students as a middle school art teacher. He has a passion for art that shows in his work and when he’s teaching. David respects others and their opinions. He is very responsible especially with civic duty, environmental impact, and family commitments.

A Message From Us Both

We both were born and raised in rural Minnesota and come from families of five. We met online and quickly learned how we have several common friends and interests. We complete each other's sentences and laugh a lot. Raising a very intelligent daughter has tested our relationship at times and yet we thrive.