Five Ways You and Your Family Can Give Thanks This Holiday Season

Give Thanks!

The holiday season is all about joy and time spent together, and most importantly, giving thanks! Above all, it’s so important to show gratitude to the people and groups who are there to support you along the way.  Here are some easy ways that you and your family can give back and show thanks this Thanksgiving and onward!

1. Donate

Donate your time, old clothes, food to shelters or soup kitchens. Donate to an organization that’s important to you. It’s an easy way to say thank you for continuing to spread their message or for impacting your life in a meaningful way—anything that you can give to show a little bit of gratitude! Donate big or small, or even get the kids involved and have them donate as many dollars as their age.   

2. Write a note

Whether it’s a thank-you note sealed and mailed to a loved one afar or a small sticky-note on the bathroom mirror, write a note giving thanks to someone you love.  We all forget to express our gratitude from time to time, and the holiday season is the time to remind all your friends and family how much they mean to you. There is a 100% chance that this will put a smile on someone’s face!

3. Start a gratitude journal

For a few moment’s a day, journal about a couple things or people you’re thankful for and why you’re thankful for them. If you don’t know how to share your gratitude for others, then this is the perfect way to practice! When the winter blues start to get us down, it’s important to remind ourselves that there is so much to be thankful for. Reminding yourself of this can this lift your mood and take the focus off holiday stress.

4. Fill out comment cards and surveys

It’s so important to thank everyone who helps make the holiday season happen! If someone did a great job helping you pick out a gift—let them know. Fill out a survey or let the manager know how excellent their service was. The holidays are often a busy time of year for retail and restaurant employees alike, and letting them know how much you appreciate their work is an easy way to help them enjoy the season a little more too!

5. Let your actions speak for you

Take time to bake someone a cake or do the dishes for your significant other. You can always invite an old friend over for dinner to show them how grateful you are for your longstanding friendship. If you’re thankful for someone, show it! Showing someone you care could just make their entire week.  If your loved one has been working hard, let them know that you notice; you can even make them a coupon book of fun or relaxing activities to “cash in on” together.

Read about EVOLVE’s family stories.

Read this article about parents who foster and adopt share what they are most thankful for this holiday season and throughout the year.

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