EVOLVE Offers Support To Adoptive Families.


Clients who have completed an adoption through EVOLVE can access short-term support through EVOLVE at no cost.

Our Post-Adoption Therapeutic Services provides counseling services and support to previous EVOLVE clients. This includes those who have completed an adoption through EVOLVE or through the African American Adoption & Permanency Planning Agency (AAAPA). All members from the adoption circle are welcome to seek services.

Post-Adoption Counseling Service

EVOLVE provides post adoption counseling support through limited in-person meetings or phone calls. Individuals and families may benefit from support with a variety of issues including;

  • openness
  • crisis intervention
  • facilitating conversations around adoption
    • identity
    • grief/loss
    • the impact of search and reunion

EVOLVE can also provide appropriate referrals and resources if clients need long-term support. If you or someone you know is seeking more specific support, please call for inquiry. This service is free. 

Ongoing Post-Adoption Counseling Services

If clients request intensive counseling, such as ongoing counseling or, ongoing help with openness or other adoption related concerns, a special service agreement may be arranged if appropriate. Request for these services will be approved on a case-by-case basis. This service is available for an hourly charge. 

Support. Every Step Of The Way

Why These Services?

EVOLVE believes that our journey with families doesn’t end after finalization. We want to provide support every step of the way. Although there are many therapeutic options in the Twin Cities, EVOLVE will approach your situation with an adoption-competent lens and with a feeling of familiarity.

For inquiries about this service, contact Elliot Odendahl at EOdendahl@EvolveServices.org

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